Of Growth
And Strength


In Quest of the Heavenlies


There will be no supernatural power without individuals paying the price to meet with God. There can be no real spiritual authority without men and women of God humbling themselves, willingly debasing themselves of their carnal desires for ministry and fleshly authority.  And there is no real divine power dispensed from the throne, without purpose. The supernatural of God is not just some feeling that we get so we can feel blessed. The glory of God is not a toy with which to play.

One may ask, “Well then, what is this anointing of the Lord for?” It is the very life of God, which he chooses out of his love to share with men. His presence is his very being. We must all begin to see that His presence is the very heart of our walk. Our quest for spirituals is birthed from one word, and one word alone: relationship. Relationship with God is the stairway of experience. God will not honor carnal desire; God will not bless selfish motives, but will heed the cry of the humble that they might know him. Have you sensed a yearning among the people of God for something new and fresh from the Lord? Have you caught the scent of the coming rain? The true things of God come from Him alone, and to only those who have prepared their hearts and are willing to pay a price for these precious things.

Let us not mistake the charismatic mud shallows for the depths in Christ. So many in this hour are all too eager to proclaim themselves as overcomers, the sons of God, members of the Elijah company or anything else the carnal mind can come up with. One can confess and proclaim that they are a can of Dr. Pepper till the cows come home and it will not make it so.  But when one makes some reckless claim of belonging to some high sounding spiritual order, we all too readily accept it as fact. You’ll note no one ever boasts of being a part of the helps ministry, the mop brigade, or the table waiting ministry in the book of Acts.

If these people truly have so much in God, then why when they meet one who has in fact achieved something in the Lord, do we see them shamelessly coveting what their brethren have?  It is true that a thimble of water has more than a desert. But what happens when this self-proclaimed bearer of a thimble full of the anointing of God meets a cup? Or the cup meets a bucket. All of this is meaningless and completely irrelevant when you realize the fact that God is an ocean. We need to humble ourselves and heed the ancient prophecy, “Fill this valley full of ditches for a I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.” Let us not only quest, but also press forward and dig into God and prepare ourselves for a real and lasting visitation from the Lord.