Pinecrest Bible Training Center

John 12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone.

Beginning in 2008 the vision and bible school that God so graciously gave Wade Taylor beginning in 1968 came to an abrupt end, falling into the ground and dying.-

We now wait for God to raise up and bring forth His seed of promise in another, that the vision fail not.

Spring 1987
The Restoration of a Call
Dr. J.R. Buskey
Pinecrest Teacher, and Director of the PC Ministerial Fellowship.

Much has been made of Peter's denial of Christ. His denial was magnified by His bold testimony that, "Even though all may fall away because of You, I will never fall away. . .even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You "Matt 26:33,35.

Who among us has not expressed a bold and sometimes presumptuous testimony during the early part of our Christian walk, when we were still on the mountain and filled with the awe of His marvelous transforming grace? Then we found ourselves, like Peter, denying our Lord in the midst of some unexpected pressure.

As soon as Peter had denied the Lord for the third time and the rooster crowed, he remembered the words of Jesus that he would deny the one he loved. "And he went out and wept bitterly."

Peter was more than disappointed or disgusted with himself, he was broken. He had betrayed the Lord, and had failed in the most important area of his life. Talk about a poor self-image, what do you suppose he was saying to himself?

I expect he was "dumping" all over himself. He did not need the enemy to condemn him, he was doing an adequate job himself. He was probably saying things to himself like, "I am a failure, I am worthless, Jesus will never be able to trust me again, I am through, I should do the honorable thing and quit etc."

Being a witness to the resurrected Christ brought mixed emotions forth in Peter. There was the joy of seeing the one he loved, alive again. But, there was also a deep sadness caused by the memory and knowledge of his failure. He thought: "If only I had been strong and true." It was difficult for him t look Jesus in the face.

Then, it happened. They were in His presence. Jesus had called to them from the shore, and had given to them a full net of fish after a night of catching nothing. He even prepared breakfast for them. After they had feasted and fellowshipped together, Jesus addressed Peter with a pointed question, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?"

Peter had testified earlier that he did. Was Jesus rubbing it in? In fact,he asked Peter three times if he loved him. Peter must have been painfully mindful of his three time denial. It is recorded that when Jesus asked him the third time, Peter was grieved. (see John 21:15-17).

No, Jesus was not rubbing in Peter's denial. He was restoring Peter's call. Remember, Jesus had called Peter to be a "fisher of men." In Luke's account of Jesus' prophesy, Jesus said, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers" Luke 22:31-32 ASV.

Each time after Jesus asked Peter if he loved him and Peter responded "yes," Jesus reaffirmed Peter's call, "Tend My lambs, shepherd My sheep, tend My sheep."

Jesus asked three times, so that three times He could affirm His call on Peter's life. Jesus knew that Peter felt unworthy, and was defeated because of his denial. But, in mercy and love He was laying a foundation for Peter's ministry. Peter was never again to wallow in the self-doubt of failure regarding the Lord's call on his life.

As I write these words, I sense there will be someone who has in some way failed their calling and has been "dumping" on themselves. Someone who has thrown in the towel, or is considering it. His word to you is, "Do you love me?" If you do, then hear Him say to you, "Tend My lambs, feed My sheep." Jesus is a restorer and reconciler, He is not a condemner.

Take your eyes off of yourself, and put them on Him who says to us through Paul, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us" Eph 2:8,20 ASV.